Revolutionizing teamwork for Start-ups.

Startups utilize Commented to streamline collaboration, iterating quickly on product development.

Try Commented

Seamless collaboration and more

For tech or marketing, we offer team-specific solutions, eliminating collaboration concerns and letting you focus on your business.

Essential for Start-up teams

For tech or marketing, we offer team-specific solutions, eliminating collaboration concerns and letting you focus on your business.

Adaptable for teams of any size

Commented tailors itself to your company's needs with its exceptional features and possibilities.

For Start-ups

Unlock the power of the Agency Plan with intelligent AI suggestions, automatic screenshots, annotations, Figma previews, and cross-platform support for mobile and browsers.

Up to 8 users
1 workspace
5 projects
Agency Plan

Unlock tailored collaboration with Commented's Agency Plan for Start-ups, curated just for you.

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Take your team to next level

Sign up for a free trial and unlock the potential of Commented for your start-up team.

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